with Daniel King Presents...

    Tom Elie
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Evangelism Coach Daniel King (00:00):
Tom Elie, the founder of Oasis World Ministries, developed a simple, yet powerful tool called The One Minute Witness, a method that makes evangelism easy, natural, and effective. In this episode of the Evangelism Podcast will discover how this tool is changing lives, hear incredible testimonies of people coming to Christ, and learn how you can use the one minute witness to boldly share your faith. If you’ve ever wanted to tell people about Jesus but didn’t know where to start, this episode is for

Evangelism Podcast Host (00:51):
Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast with Dr. Daniel King, where Daniel interviews full-time evangelists, pastors, missionaries and normal everyday Christians to discover how they share their faith, their powerful testimonies, and amazing stories that will inspire you to reach people with the good news. And now here’s your host, missionary, and evangelist

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:13):
Daniel King. Welcome to the Evangelism Podcast. I’m Daniel King. I’m excited about telling people about Jesus today. I have a very special guest with me, Mr. Tom Elie, thank you for joining me on the Evangelism Podcast.

Tom Elie (01:27):
Our privilege, man. Thanks for having us.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (01:29):
Alright, brother Tom, tell me a little bit about how you got started doing evangelism.

Tom Elie (01:36):
14 years old, I was in the front row. I brought my best friend at 14 years old to hear an evangelist named Lowell Lundstrom and he was sort of a country band guy and the church didn’t know anything about that back then. And my best friend got saved and I thought, what could be more fun than this than helping people find Jesus? And that’s where I first sensed the call to the office of an evangelist or to be an evangelist. That’s where it sort of all began is watching other evangelists. Yeah,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (02:05):
That’s awesome. Lowell’s daughter is a friend of mine. I’ve been in class with her at Oral Roberts University, Londa Lundstrom Ramsey. They were a great family of evangelism back in the day doing gospel singing all over North America. Alright, so tell me about doing crusades. You’ve been to India and other parts of the world. Tell me about it.

Tom Elie (02:30):
I was pastoring and God told me to double my prayer time and seek his face, not his hand. And after a month of that, God brought two people to me, one from Kenya, one from India, unsolicited. They said come. And so we went and by God’s grace been 50 times to India. We’ve gone into the rural areas where they never had an open air festival or crusade before. And we’ve done about 125 of them, me and my team. And we went to the areas where they had many had never heard the gospel before. And so it was very exciting. We saw so many people healed and touched and it just impacted my life so greatly to be around people who love to hear the gospel.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (03:15):
That’s awesome. Well, you’ve developed a great tool for witnessing, it’s called the One Minute Witness. Tell me a little bit about how you developed this tool and how God has used it.

Tom Elie (03:31):
About 2006, I came back from one of my India trips and the Lord said, Hey, you’re doing a great job, but Tom, why aren’t you sharing your own faith in your own town in Minnesota, in Minneapolis? And I realized that I was not afraid to preach to thousands. I was afraid to talk to one. I didn’t have a good tool that I was comfortable with in sharing my faith with strangers or friends. And the Lord spoke very clearly to me. He said, Tom, you do not have a fear problem. You have a compassion problem. And he said, you are not looking at people the way I look at people, I look at people through eyes of compassion. I see them like sheep without a shepherd. They’re lonely and depressed and discouraged and fearful. You tend to look at people, you judge them how they look, their status, their education, how they talk, how they appear.

God says, I don’t do that. I just love people because that’s who I am. And he said, you need to start seeing them through my eyes. And once you see through eyes of compassion, then you’ll want to share your faith with them. He said something very clearly to me, Daniel, he said, Tom, I need you to step it up, but if you don’t, I will find someone else. I’d immediately raised my hand, even though I was all alone in this room, this prayer room, and God was talking to me. I said, no, here am I. Send me and don’t find somebody else. It was sort of like an Esther moment when Morde Kay. I said to Esther, you need to go. You’re called for this time, but if you don’t go before the king uninvited and try to rescue the Jews, I will raise up someone else and you and your family will miss the blessing.

So I said, no, don’t find someone else. So I went that very day or the next day and I talked to my friend George, and I said, George, let’s share our faith every day this week. He said, oh yeah, let’s do it. And we didn’t have a tool, we just did it. And I really thought that most of America was not open to the gospel because most of our churches in America have plateaued or are in decline. But I was totally wrong, Daniel. People were so open. And that week I shared with 11 people and three people prayed to give their lives to Jesus and I couldn’t even believe it. So I said, let’s do another week and then another week. And finally we got to that spot. We said, why would we stop? Let’s just do this. Let’s make this our lifestyle. And then about three months later after that, after God could trust me that I was going to do this, then he gave me this tool, the one Minute witness, and I said, if you’ll give me a tool that treats people with compassion and where I can confidently do this, then I will help spread this.

And so that became our focus instead of we did the crusade and then we do during the pastor school like you, we do this one minute witness with all the pastors and we train them, then we take them out two by two to the streets and actually do it for an hour and they come back so excited. They said, we never thought it could be this easy to share our faith, our people this open and hundreds can come to Christ. And so then we started putting it into other languages and other languages and it just grew and grew and grew. And by God’s grace, now we’re in about 70 nations and this is in 68 languages, but I do it in my own life. In fact, right now, right before this call, before this recording, excuse me, I went out just to take a walk around the block and get some exercise between calls and I saw a man walking his dogs and immediately the Holy Spirit, the very first thing I thought, share your faith with him.

Well, as we were approaching each other, the dogs were a little restless and I’m not a big fan of dogs. So it’s like, okay, I went one way, he went the other. Well, I went around the block and now he’s coming my way again. And so this time I said, okay, I’m going to obey Lord, I’m going to do this. And I started sharing and asking him about himself. And here he’s got a husband, so he is a homosexual, but we say, what’s the best thing that’s ever happened in your life? He said, I was born in Brazil and I came here and all that. So finally I said, and then another lady pulled up that knew me and she’s passionate for Jesus. And so she saw him. And so I said, well, may I tell you the best thing in my life? And I told him and then she piped in and said, come to our church, you and your husband are welcome. Come to our church, let God speak to you, let God touch you. And it was just a welcome. We don’t agree with it obviously, but it’s come and let the Holy Spirit touch your heart and speak to your heart. And so he might come this Sunday, but it’s so relevant and it just works wherever we go, in every culture, in every language. In the Muslim world, it works excellent because it’s personal, it’s short and it’s relational and it’s my story. No one can argue with my story. So it really works

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (08:35):
Well. I’m very familiar with the tool and I’ve actually used it and taught it. I was a couple of years ago in the nation of Malawi with Desmond Henry from the Global Network Evangelist and with Alan Green, who’s a great evangelist. And you had sent some of the one minute witness tools with us. And so we had a pastor’s conference and we taught them how to use it and then we empowered them to go out and to share their faith with others. And many people came to the crusade that night as a result of the one minute witness. And so we saw it powerfully at work. Alright, so let’s talk about the actual tool. Just walk us through how someone can develop the one minute witness in their own lives. How can they put together their own story to be able to share the gospel with someone?

Tom Elie (09:32):
Well, I’m going to show you, here’s the one minute witness. It’s just a little pocket book booklet, 24 pages, but everybody gets to write in their own story. Everybody has a story and we want to train people to be comfortable. We think that every mature believer should know how to share their faith. That is just like elementary. Every believer should know how to share their own faith story. And everyone has a story. So what we do is we go on page five, I’ll show it to you real briefly here, but on page five is the five fingers of this one minute witness. It starts with permission, then it goes to before Christ, your turning point after your decision. And if I never met Jesus. And so if it’s okay with you, I’d like to demonstrate on here,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (10:21):
Is that okay? Yeah. And I really like that you ask for permission. Why is that important to ask permission before you get started?

Tom Elie (10:27):
Because a lot of people, if we start with Jesus, a lot of people have bad experiences and people are so busy today that they feel that if you honor them, they feel honored if you ask permission. So for example, we say, like I just said to this guy who was walking his dogs right now, I said, Hey, I am working on, we did some chitchat, we talked about his dogs, we talked about whatever. Where do you live? All this. And I said, Hey, I’m working on this assignment. I’d like to ask this question to somebody every day. Is that okay with you? So it takes some of the weirdness out of it. And so it’s like common question. I said, what’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you? And he said, oh, I’m from Brazil originally. And my family came here. Actually, we came on a tourist visa then overstayed five years.

But then we went through the process and we actually got legalized as citizens. He said, that’s probably the best thing to come to America. And so we talked about that and said, oh, that’s what a great privilege. Yes, it’s a great country, we got our faults, but it’s a great place to live. And then I said, Hey, well, so may I quickly tell you my best friend? Of course they always say yes. And so now I have permission to talk about Jesus, but I built a bridge to them, permission builds a bridge, plus it shows honor that I’m not just saying, Hey, let me tell you something. It’s not preaching at them and it’s showing an interest in them. But there’s actually several questions you could ask. That’s the one we print. But during Covid, everyone was wearing masks. So I would say, Hey, I know there’s a lot of fear in the world.

May I tell you how I overcome my fear? And they say, oh yeah. And so then I go into my one minute witness, or if I’m with a young married couple or just a dating couple, I would say, Hey, my wife and I have been married many, many years. May I tell you our secret for success? Oh yes, please tell us. Then I go into my, I said it has to do with a decision I made when I was a teenager, and so then I start my one minute witness. There’s a lot of different on-ramps you can use into it depending on what people are working through. Yeah.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (12:38):
Okay. So then you have these three sections. You have before Christ, you have the turning point and then you have the after decision. So can you kind of give us a demonstration of how you would do each of those parts?

Tom Elie (12:50):
Yes. In fact, I tell you what I’m going to do. I’m going to time it for you right now and assuming I have permission, so from number two to five is one minute. Okay? So now I don’t say before Christ because I don’t want to start with Jesus. I want to start with my brokenness because a lot of people when they hear something religious, they shut you down right away because they’ve had some bad experiences. Even this guy is walking his dogs. He said, that’s what happened. I went to church, I was raised evangelical, he said in Brazil, but I had some bad experiences and so people tend to shut things down. So I want to start with my brokenness first. That catches the fish. In about 10 seconds, I caught my fish. They say, wow, that’s how I feel too. So I’ll start with that.

But I start with, there was a time in my life, you can see it. It says, there was a time in my life under bc that’s my opening line, and then I’ll go there. So here we go. So assuming I have permission, may I tell you the best thing ever happened to me. You say yes. Okay, here we go. Well, there was a time in my life that I had no peace in my heart. I was wondering what’s my purpose in life and what happens when I die? Number three. Then one day my parents brought me to a Christian Church and I heard about a God who loves me and wants me to be in heaven, but I found I was not eligible because heaven’s perfect. And of course I’m far from it. But he made a way when I realized that Jesus died for my sins and rose again, I invited him to forgive me and really be the leader of my life, not just Sunday, but every day.

Number four, since I’ve met Jesus, I have new hope. I have purpose. I have the promise of heaven and five. And if I had never met Jesus, I know my life would be very empty. I would still be searching for my purpose. So thank you for listening the same. Jesus loves you very, very much. So there I just timed it for you. And it came out at 52 seconds. So that’s the one minute witness. And then you can always take it further than that. If they’re listening, if they’re not really listening that much, if they’re feeling a little distant, you could say, Hey, or today his dogs were acting up. I say, Hey, check out my website. And we have a website we give to everybody. I’d like to give to people on the call today, it’s called frosty, frosty grapes, frosty grapes, frost.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:12):
There’s got to be a story behind that name. What does it mean?

Tom Elie (15:15):
The story is that there’s no meaning to it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (15:18):

Tom Elie (15:19):
Give me a phrase that has no meaning, but’s catchy. Okay, there’s no hidden meaning, anything like that. It’s just frosty and it’s a digital tract is what it is. And so that if I’m a waitress, I’ll write it down. The other day I was getting my blood drawn and these ladies were okay. Yeah, okay, write it down. Frosty grapes. Yeah, we want to check that out. It’s intriguing. Or you can actually, you can take it further. And in our booklet, we teach people how to go further and we ask ’em three questions. So how about you? Do you think you’re going to heaven someday? Okay, number two, how do you think somebody gets to heaven? And you can usually tell from that answer if they really understand grace. And number three, again, permission. May I tell you how the Bible says, you can know for sure you’re going to heaven. And they always say Yes. Then we do the A, B, C or 1, 2, 3, admit, believe, confess, admit, I’m a sinner. Believe only Jesus can forgive me and confess my sins, but confess him as Lord, meaning the boss of my life. And I said, does that make sense to you? Probably 90%. Well, they always say yes. But then I say, I don’t say, would you like to give your life to Jesus? I say, what would stop you from giving your life to Jesus? And probably 85% say nothing would stop me.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (16:38):
Hey, that’s a great line. I really like that. What would stop you from giving your

Tom Elie (16:42):
Life to Jesus? Yeah, if they understand what I just said. Does that make sense to you, the ABCs? Yeah. Well, so if that makes sense, well then what would stop you?

And it’s good for them to think it through what would stop me and sometimes the relationships or other issues in their life. And so you can take ’em so far, but I had some autobody work done this week on my car, and I met the owner at the end, did my one minute witness, and he prayed with me to give his life to Christ. And so there’s two things that happen, Daniel, when we share our faith, the gospel goes out to people who will never come to church. But number two, I become a stronger disciple when I share my faith, my faith roots deeper. And I think that’s why God asked us, it’s not a great suggestion. It’s a great commission. He put it in our hands. He could have done a lot better with having the angels do it, in my opinion, because we’re so unfaithful at times.

But I think the genius of the Holy Spirit is that we, it’s not just about sharing with them. It’s about we grow stronger when we share. And I know that we’re losing so many of our young people when they go to secular colleges, even though they grow up in our churches. But if these young people were faithfully sharing their faith, they would be so much stronger in their faith. And so I feel strong, and if it’s okay, I’ll just give the website. People can look at this tool called One Minute, one minute And there’s many languages on there, but you can get trained, actually, you can write it out on that website and it’ll email it right back to you. And you can see this booklet. There’s also handout sheets that you can print off for your church. And there’s a children’s handout sheet because there’s a children’s booklet as well starting at age seven. But we’re trying to give this into as many denominations, as many Parachurch ministries say, please use this tool, take it because it really works. And it’s probably one of the easiest ways to do it. So everyone has a story. We just need to help people rehearse their faith story so they’ll be confident in sharing it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (19:02):
So looking at your adult hand sheet right now, and can you kind of walk us through how someone could develop their own story? So first on bc, you say, describe your life before Christ. Finish the sentence with three adjectives or phrase. There was a time in my life when, so how would you help someone to develop that part of theirs?

Tom Elie (19:25):
Yeah. So I would help them dream about what was your life like before Christ? Were you fearful? Were you lonely? Were you searching prideful, greedy, lustful, arrogant? Were you successful? But still searching? Just give them some ideas. Many people say, I was alcoholic or I was an adulterer, or I don’t encourage ’em, but if they want to be that open, that’s fine with them. But I was addicted. We were all addicted to sin, obviously. And so it is just putting ideas. And then we give ’em about a minute to just write in their story. Then they practice it with a partner because in our training, everyone has a partner two by two. Then we go to the next one, which is the tp, the turning point. So this is the very first time we mentioned Jesus. Now, so the first one, BC is about 10 seconds, because remember, this is a one minute witness because people lead very busy lives. Number three is the turning point that takes about 20 seconds. And there’s two parts. Can you read those two parts there?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (20:32):
Yeah. Oh yeah. The turning point. How did you hear about Jesus? And then one day, so you say, and then one day, and then finish this sentence, when I realized Jesus died for my sins and rose again, I invited him to,

Tom Elie (20:48):
So you’re telling your story. So think back, how did you first hear about Jesus? And you start by saying, and then one day, so for me, I said, then one day my parents brought me to a Christian Church, and I heard, but maybe it’s your parents, maybe it’s your pastor. Maybe it’s someone invited you to a crusade or gave you a gospel track. Maybe you were all alone and God just talked to you. Maybe you were watching tv, a Christian program. But that’s your part of your story. So include that in your story. So I’m curious for you, Daniel, who was the first person who told you about

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (21:21):
Jesus? Well, it had to be my mother. I’ve been saved as long as I can remember. So I was probably saved at the age of two or three. My parents remember me having an encounter with the Holy Spirit when I was four years old. And then I got called into the ministry at five and started preaching at the age of six. So when I share my testimony, I get all the saying, God saved me from lying, from a life of cheating, from a life of stealing. God saved me from adultery, from alcoholism, from drug abuse. Let me tell you what, God saved me for, murder, everything. Because I was saved when I was only three years old. And I’ve been walking with Jesus ever since, and it has been wonderful. And so I don’t really have much of a before Christ. I kind of joke around and say, before Jesus came to my life, I used to crawl around with the wrong crowd. I used to poop my diapers and I would disobey my mom. But then I met Jesus and he changed everything.

Tom Elie (22:25):
I think that’s a key thing for kids that are growing up like me too in the church, probably Okay, before Christ, I dishonor my parents, I disobeyed. Maybe I lied, maybe I stole something. Maybe I disobeyed God, I don’t know. But you find some smaller things like that that kids can relate with. For me, I chose, there was a time in my life where I had no peace in my heart because every kid knows when you lie, there’s no peace, because all of us have done wrong, and we know when we’ve done wrong

And there’s no peace. So I can say, there was a time you feel guilty for it, right? Feel guilty so there’s no peace. And then the other two things I said, there was a time in my life when I was looking for my purpose, the common thing for all humanity. Everyone in the world asked two questions. What’s my purpose? What happens when I die? Those two questions, no matter what creed or nation they’re from, everyone wants to know that. So for me, I said I took a common approach that there was a time in my life I had no peace. I was wondering, what’s my purpose? What happens when I die? But others can do it. Do you remember when you were three years old or four or five? Do you remember any of that?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:38):
I remember when I was four and had an encounter with the Holy Spirit, and I remember starting to preach at the age of five or six, incredible. But the actual moment of salvation, I don’t really remember. I mean, I just grew up in it,

Tom Elie (23:54):
And I don’t either,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (23:55):
Which praise the Lord. I mean, it’s a great testimony.

Tom Elie (23:58):
It’s a tremendous story. Yes, it is. But I’m amazed that I’ve had people as young as three or five years old that remember praying to give their life to Jesus

Evangelism Podcast Host (24:07):

Tom Elie (24:08):
They knew they were a sinner. And yeah, that’s the third one. And that last part is we want them to memorize that. When I realized Jesus died for my sins and rose again, I invited him. We say, memorize that part because it’s not enough to say, I got saved, and then one day I got saved, and then one day I found God because you and I know what that means, but they don’t know what that means.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:31):

Tom Elie (24:32):
So we have to come back to the core message of the gospel is the death and resurrection of Jesus for my sense. So we say, memorize that part. When I realized Jesus died for my sins and rose again, I invited him to, what’d you ask him to do?

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (24:48):
And then you have the ad after decision since I’ve got Jesus. And then you describe the positive benefits Jesus has made in your

Tom Elie (24:57):
Life, and that might be the opposite of what you wrote on number two, or it could be something else. I have joy. I felt such tremendous

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:04):
Peace. I felt joy. I’ve direction and guidance in my life.

Tom Elie (25:09):
Exactly. Exactly. I have new friends. Maybe he healed your marriage, maybe he healed your body. I have, have peace, all these things. Yeah. But then the last one is a little scary. I say, if you never met Christ, I know you don’t know this for sure, but just take a guess what your life would be like today. And people don’t have trouble. They go, wow, that’s a scary thought. But to my surprise, I’ve had many people say they would be dead. And so I’ve asked them, why would you be dead? Why do you think that? And they said, because most of my friends before Christ are now dead. And so I would be just like that. But then we close with this. Thank you for listening. So we bring it back up. Thank you for listening. This same. Jesus loves you very, very much. And that’s how we close it.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (25:57):
And so then if they want to know more, you say, may I tell you what the Bible says? How you can know you’re going to heaven. Then you go into the A, B, C, admit that you’ve done wrong. Believe that Jesus died to forgive your sins. Then confess that you’ve sinned. And then you have the key question, what would stop you from totally surrendering your life

Tom Elie (26:17):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:17):
Jesus Christ today? If

Tom Elie (26:20):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:20):
Nothing stopping them, then you ask them, with God’s help, would you be willing to turn away from what the Bible calls sin and follow Jesus daily? Then I noticed you have the salvation poem here. You would take people into a prayer of salvation, either using the salvation poem

Tom Elie (26:35):

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:36):
A prayer. You say salvation poem for us.

Tom Elie (26:42):
I’m sorry,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (26:43):
Can you say the salvation poem?

Tom Elie (26:44):
Oh yeah. Jesus. You died upon a cross and rose again to save the lost. Forgive me, Lord of all my sin, come be my savior, Lord and friend. Change my life and make it new and help me Lord, to live for you.

So it’s actually a song. It’s written by a good friend of mine, Matt McPherson. But this song is now in, I think, about 180 languages around the world. If you go to salvation, you’ll see it. It’s a song and it’s written and sung by all these different languages, and it’s on CCB n Superbook for the kids. But it’s sort of like, that was a cool story too. Matt said, God, give me an idea that’ll change the world. And God said, write a poem. And he said, I remember when I was a kid, we would pray this poem at bedtime. Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. But it wasn’t about salvation. So he said, I want to write a salvation poem that kids can learn and they can pray this.

And so, yeah, it’s been very effective. Or you can just pray the A, b, c prayer with them as well. But then what we encourage people to do is congratulate them. What I do when I always ask two questions after they pray, number one, did you mean that prayer from your heart? And to my surprise, Daniel, a hundred percent say yes. Even if they’re sort of looking around, they say, oh, yes, I meant that prayer. And then I say, what happened? And usually they say something like, I feel a weight has lifted off of me. I feel peace. Now, we know it’s not a feeling. Salvation is not a feeling, but the spirit bears witness with our spirit that we are the children of God. So somehow the Holy Spirit connects with us, and then I say, well, congratulations. And hey, I’d like to stay in touch with you.

Could I call you tomorrow and share one of my favorites, Bible verses? And so they always say yes. So I get their phone number and then I call ’em. And sometimes they want to receive calls, sometimes they don’t. So you got to be ready. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. But I say, Hey, get your Bible and turn to John three 16 and 17. And I have them read it to me and I say, please read it out loud to me. And I do that. I don’t want to read it to them. Because many people, especially in American Catholic churches, they were taught, don’t read the Bible because you might misinterpret it. But I want them to read the Bible and realize they can understand it. And so I say, read it to me out loud. And then I say, what does that mean to you?

If they don’t understand, say, Hey, read it again. But they’ll always understand because the Bible’s not hard to understand. And so then we talk about that verse and other things and encourage ’em. And then I say, Hey, can I call you again in a couple of days and share another one of my favorite verses? And they always say yes. And that’s how you start the discipleship process. And eventually you become their friend, and eventually you get them to your church or get them to a church that’s near them. But you try to just keep being their friend. And sometimes, like I said, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. You’ve got the parable to sower, four different kinds of seed. Only one had lasting fruit. But I found this, Daniel, that the average person hears the gospel about seven times before they receive Christ. And I might be number four. And if I did it respectfully and kindly to them without condemnation, I can just bump them one step closer to Jesus. So yeah, it really works. It really works.

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (30:14):
That’s awesome. Well, Mr. Tom, thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast with me and explaining this valuable tool. The one Minute Witness, could you share again, first of all, share the website for your ministry if someone wants to find out more about you?

Tom Elie (30:31):
Yeah, one minute, one minute And the name of our ministry is Oasis World Ministries. So it’ll hook you up with oasis world But that’s the main thing that we’re about, is teaching people and training pastors and leaders. If you have a pastor, would like your youth pastor or children’s pastor to be trained in this tool, go to the website and call us. And we would love to see your church trained so it changes our life when we learn how to share our faith,

Evangelism Coach Daniel King (31:04):
What tremendous resources you’re offering to the body of Christ. And on that website, you can download some of the training sheets and some of the information about how to use the one minute witness in your own ministry. And so, Mr. Tom, thank you so much for being on the Evangelism Podcast. My pleasure.

Tom Elie (31:22):
God bless.



Oasis World Ministries is a registered 501(c)3 non-profit corporation in the USA, and is a member in good standing with ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). Donations are tax-deductible.