“This is the greatest tool that will help us evangelize our nation, reach every soul and create passion that will be long lasting in the lives of believers.” — Francis Kamau
“The OMW is very efficient for the success of evangelism. Today I shared my faith with 10 people. 5 accepted Jesus as their personal Savior, including a witchdoctor who confess with his own mouth that Jesus is Lord from today over his life…” — Pastor Aramy BAPTISTE
“Praise God now I have a tool. I have already prayed with 34 people who made a decision. Now I can say that I am an Evangelist.” — Brother Eddy
“We were a team of 2. As we approach a group of men playing, when we asked them permission they were very careful about what we were going to say. We talked to 15 people and 4 of them accepted Jesus as their personal Savior. I just like this move of God here.” — Sister Popo Marie Helen
Ruokuo, Oasis national evanglist working in Nagaland, Northern India, reported: I'd like to share with you some responses about your booklet "One-Minute Witness: One of the World's Easiest Faith-Sharing Tools."
Neiba is a young man who said he has been involved in youth ministries almost ten years and hadn't known of ways to be a witness for Jesus. He said the One-Minute Witness was an eye opener for him because it's so simple, yet provides such a touching way to share his story about how Jesus has impacted his life.
Kenei Khate is the senior pastor of Union Baptist Church, one of the largest churches in Kohima City, Northern India. He said the One-Minute Witness booklet is so simple and can change people's lives in huge ways. Men and women have been brought to tears when they invited Jesus into their lives and families. Whenever he uses the One-Minute Witness tool, the response and results are amazing. This little booklet is very helpful to train young people to win souls for God.
Ruokuo said, "It's so thrilling to share my witness for Jesus by using the One-Minute Witness booklet. During November and December 2009, by the grace of God, I shared my story to 150 young people in three different Bible seminaries in Dimapur, Northern India. Now in 2010 I have gotten invitations from two Bible colleges to teach the One-Minute Witness. I am so excited to share my faith daily, any where, any place, and any time."
We ALL can do this. We ALL have a story, and this One-Minute Witness tool makes it fun and easy. After learning and applying this One-Minute Witness tool, a pastor said, "To think I have wasted all these years by not sharing my faith. Now I can do it with confidence."
Celebrating 7,000 hearts full of joy!
In November 2009, I experienced what it is like to live in the wonder of God while I was in India with the Oasis World Ministries team. Thousands of lives were being transformed: from darkness to light, hopelessness to peace, sin bound to free. There is no glory on earth like the power of the cross-its wonder, its love, and its intimate hand pulling us from the fires of hell.
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"Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;
Weep o'er the erring one, lift up the fallen,
Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save."
—Fanny Crosby