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Where are you on your spiritual journey with Jesus?



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What would hinder you from truly surrendering your life to the authority and love of Jesus Christ, the only God who died for YOU?

Here’s four reasons some people give:

“I’m not ready.”

Well, are you ready to die tonight without His forgiveness? If not, then you are ready to accept Jesus now. Just as there is a God who loves you so deeply, there also is a devil who hates you completely. He will give you all sorts of reasons and excuses NOT to give your life and heart to Jesus. That’s why the Bible calls him the ‘father of all lies.’

Or, maybe you are not ready to give up some sin in your life. That’s nothing new. We all have to live for Jesus one day at a time. If your favorite sin will keep you away from God’s love and out of heaven, is it worth it? And any sin you give up will be replaced by a far greater joy and peace in your heart. I promise.

Go ahead. Reach out to God in faith, and leave the excuses behind you. He will help you everyday.

“God’s has too many more important issues than my prayers.”


Think about it. Do you think the God Who holds the whole universe together can only answer 20 prayer requests a day? Do you think you have to wait in line, or to clean up your life first before God will hear you?

The Bible says that He doesn’t want even one person (YOU) to miss heaven. If you were the only sinner on earth, He still would have come to earth to die and rise again so you could be forgiven!

He is patiently waiting for you to approach Him. Every morning when the sun rises, He is talking to you and showing you His goodness. Don’t wait another day. You don’t know when your last day on earth will take place. You can be sure you are going to heaven by simply calling out to Him.

If that’s your desire, visit our I'm-Curious-to-Learn-More article.


“I’ve sinned too much.”

How much is too much? Does God classify us into ‘bad sinners’ or ‘good sinners?'

According to the Bible, we have ALL sinned, and thus NO ONE can get into heaven, or heaven would not be perfect anymore. Whether our sins seem small or large, we are all disqualified. We are all sinners.

But God’s love covers EVERY sin. Even as Jesus was dying on the cross, two murderers were also being crucified with Him. One mocked Jesus, but the other pleaded with Jesus to forgive Him. And Jesus said He would.


“I’m a relatively good person… certainly not as bad as many people.”

Will your good works get you into heaven? Are you really confident you have done enough good works? There are two areas that are problematic with this approach.

One is the question, how many good works do I have to do to gain access to heaven? What if I am one good work short?

The other difficulty is, ‘if I can get to heaven by my good works, why did Jesus have to come to earth and die?’

The Bible teaches us that we cannot EARN heaven… it is a gift! But I have to reach out and receive it by faith.

Good works are very important, but none of them can erase our sin. Only Jesus and His work on the cross can forgive us.

So, enough excuses? It’s time to call out to God and ask Him to be in control of your life. Ask Him to forgive you and be your Lord, Savior and boss of your life. It WILL be the best choice you’ve ever made.

Visit our I'm-Curious-to-Learn-More article, and you can pray a prayer that will change your heart forever!





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